Summer time is the best time of the year because we all get to take some time off from school, work, just life in general. However, staying at home not doing anything productive can get pretty boring. That's where working out comes into play!
At first, it was my least favorite thing to do and just the thought of working out made me tired.
After making it an every day thing, and seeing the changes in my mind and body, working out has become something I love doing!
Taking at least 30 minutes of your day to exercise will make a difference. However, I highly recommend giving it at least 1 to 2 hours.
On this post I will share a move that I love adding to my work out, whether I am at the gym or at home.

For first timers, use 3 pound weights. Do this move 30 times a set.
Start with two sets a work out, then once comfortable add a set.
This work out move will help strengthen your legs as well as your butt.
Having the weights will help tone your arm muscles as well as your back.
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