Wohoo! Winter, you don't even go here! -- Thanks Mean Girls. Anyways, I am so excited to finally put away my puffy winter coat and say hello to sweaters and light rain jackets.
Another thing I am super excited about, is not wearing all black. As much as I love the color, I do need a break from it.
A great way to do it is by pairing it with a POP color such as red. Which as you can see, is what I did here. The red lipstick gave my lips life, as well as helped my look pop.
So, lets take it back to the 90s, where the grunge look was THE LOOK, and lets implement it in our style today. I mean, us millennial's are really good at bringing back things from the past, especially styles, so we can easily say the plaid around the waist look is certainly coming back.
Sweater: Forever21
Undershirt: Urban Outfitters
Leggings: Banana Republic
Plaid shirt: Hollister
Boots: Prada
Pictures by: Virginia Dock Photography